VODCAST: An interview with Cosmic Spectrum

Cosmic Spectrum

Yana Bogatch is a freelance illustrator, character designer, and comic artist based in Toronto, Canada. With over 15 years experience and a degree in Traditional Animation, Yana loves to experiment with new media and techniques, both digitally and traditionally, and has developed unique approaches to both in her character design. She also creates and sells in-depth tutorials, real-time demonstration videos, and products for her shop.

Having spent over 10 years creating art, producing tutorials, and building her Instagram following, character designer Cosmic Spectrum now shares her journey. In this interview with 3dtotal, Cosmic Spectrum talks about her book Prism: The Art Journey of Cosmic Spectrum, discussing what was the inspiration behind the name and beautiful cover art as well as revealing what her early art inspiration was.

Tags: 3dtotal, comic, comic strip, cosmic spectrum, girl, interview, video

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