Here at 3dtotal, our discerning editorial team seek out the most talented artists in the world to feature in our diverse creative titles in order to produce books not only packed with invaluable tried-and-tested knowledge, but also a potent sense of authenticity and personality. Collaborating with artists from all corners of the creative industries, including visual development, character design, concept design, and illustration, in both traditional and digital media, we strive to offer our readers the very best content from the very best creators.

Image: Artist Lois van Baarle at the launch of  'The Sketchbook of Loish'


During the development of our deeply personal and in-depth 'Art of' books, such as Guweiz: The Art of Gu Zheng Wei, Sketch with Asia, and The Art of Pernille Ørum, we work closely with exceptionally talented and highly successful artists, including Loish, Heikala, and Beatrice Blue, to sensitively craft unique biographical books. We build a lasting symbiotic relationship with the artists we work with, and strive to support them through their creative journey while championing the published art content universe. With sustainability, equality, and diversity at our core, we aim to support the development of a fairer arts industry through the artists we work with.

Image: Artist Pernille Ørum & Mermaid © Pernille Ørum