VODCAST: An interview with The Shiflett Brothers

The Shiflett Brothers

Based in Dallas, Texas, The Shiflett Brothers have been at the forefront of clay sculpting for many years. Their fantastical works sit in video-game design firms, special-effects houses, and art departments across several creative industries, as well as the personal collections of film directors Peter Jackson and Robert Rodriguez, and Weta Workshop founder Sir Richard Taylor. From their work on iconic Marvel superheroes to their concept pieces produced under the banner of Shiflett Brothers Originals, Brandon and Jarrod continue to love what they do: celebrating science fiction, fantasy, and comic books through sculpture.

In 3dtotal's latest vodcast, Paul Hellard chats with the fantasy clay sculpting masters and visionaries of their craft, the Shiflett Brothers...

Tags: 3d sculpting, 3dtotal publishing, clay sculpts, fantasy characters, paul hellard, shiflett brothers, video interview, vodcast

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