3dtotal Auctions

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Auctions - Help for Bidders

How do auctions work on 3dtotal?

In order to place a bid on a 3dtotal auction lot, you must first register for an account (or login if you already have an account). If you are intending to bid on a lot, please sign up as soon as you can so that you have time to create and activate your account before bidding closes!

When you place a bid on a 3dtotal auction, the value you enter is what is termed a Proxy Bid. If there is a competing bid placed by another bidder, the system will automatically place Normal Bids on behalf of the bidders, ensuring that the bidder who bid the highest amount first becomes the highest bidder on the lot. In the event that two bidders both enter the same proxy bid amount, the bidder who placed their bid first will be the highest bidder.

This means that the best chance to win an item is to bid early, and to bid at the highest amount that you are willing to pay. This will ensure that in the event of a tie with another bidder, you will be in the lead.

How 3dtotal Auctions Works – buyer edition

1 – Create an account in the 3dtotal Store
2 – Find a painting you would like to buy and make a bid – REMEMBER there will be postage charged at the detailed price and you may also be charged duty and import tax at point of delivery
3 – Win an auction – If you win the auction you will be expected to pay for the
item within 3 days. If you do not, the item will be offered to the next highest
4 – Postage – Once 3dtotal have received notification about payment the seller
will be notified and the item shipped. Tracking information will be provided.
5 – Notify – Once the painting is received, please notify 3dtotal so that the funds can be
sent to the seller. You have 3 days to do this after tracking says the parcel is
delivered, after this time 3dtotal will assume it is received and send
the payment to the seller. If there are any problems with the package, please  contact
support@3dtotal.com immediately.

Is shipping available to my location? How is shipping calculated on 3dtotal Auctions?

The shipping rates available are manually entered in the system by the auction seller, and due to their nature can be of unusual sizes or weight. For this reason, not all destinations are available. You can use the Shipping Calculator on the auction's page to see what shipping will be to your region, or to find out whether shipping is available to your region.

You can see a table of shipping rates to valid countries elsewhere on this page.

Please ensure that we are able to ship the lot to your location before placing a bid!

If shipping is not available to your region but you are interested in bidding, please use the contact form under "Ask a question about this lot" on the auction page to contact the seller.

I made a bid by mistake! What should I do?

Bids on 3dtotal auctions are considered to be binding. Please only place a bid on an item if you are sure that you are prepared to pay the bid amount, plus shipping charges and any taxes or duties that may be applicable on delivery of the parcel to your destination.
However, if a mistake has been made in a bid, please contact us at auctions@3dtotal.com as soon as possible and we will do our best to remedy the situation fairly.

What are the Terms and Conditions for 3dtotal auctions?