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Sketchbook: The sketchbook of Bradley Zale
Gallery: 10 of the best 2D artworks
Tutorials: Speed Painting, Figurative Drawing, Custom Brushes and Elements
Making Ofs: "By the Sea" by Adrian Baluta and "Syndaren Exotique" by Robin Olausson
Sketchbook: The sketchbook of Bjorn Hurri
Gallery: 10 of the best 2D artworks
Tutorials: Speed Painting, Matte Painting and Figurative Drawing
Making Ofs: "Human Touch" by Eric Wilkerson
Sketchbook: The sketchbook of James Wolf Strehle
Gallery: 10 of the best 2D artworks
Tutorials: Speed Painting, Matte Painting, Creature Concept Design and Custom Brushes
Making Ofs: "Cathédrale" by Aziz Maaqoul
Sketchbook: The sketchbook of Serg S.
Gallery: 10 of the best 2D artworks
Tutorials: Speed Painting, Matte Painting and Creature Concept Design
Making Ofs: "Kai" by Yu Cheng Hong, "The Antagonist" by Nicolas Francoeur, "Stranded" by Anne Pogoda (Azurelle) and "Late Afternoon" by Benita Winckler
Sketchbook: The sketchbook of Peter Chan
Gallery: 10 of the best 2D artworks
Tutorials: Speed Painting, Matte Painting, Creature Concept Design and Painting Realistic Hands
Making Ofs: "Lord Something" by Louis-Philippe Lebel, "Did Somebody Just Say Ow?" by Nick Harris and "Ash and Sam" by Jeff Haynie
Sketchbook: The sketchbook of Joel Carlo
Gallery: 10 of the best 2D artworks
Tutorials: Speed Painting, Matte Painting and Creature Concept Design and Understanding Perspective
Making Ofs: "Half-Octopus Thief" by Chuck Wadey, "Cave Dwellers" by Yap Kun Rong, "Head Hunter" by WanKok Leong and "Masquerade" by Marcel Baumann
Sketchbook: The sketchbook of Jeff Haynie
Gallery: 10 of the best 2D artworks
Tutorials: Speed Painting, Space Painting, Creature Concept Design and Painting Curls
Making Ofs: "Beacon Tower" by Andrew Berends, "Jamukha, Got Milk?" by Rodny Mella and "Hellboy" by Kerem Beyit
Sketchbook: The sketchbook of Stephen Cooper
Gallery: 10 of the best 2D artworks
Tutorials: Speed Painting, Space Painting and Creature Concept Design
Making Ofs: "Shroom Valley" by Min Hyuk Yum and "Dream" by Kamal Khalil
Sketchbook: The sketchbook of Hethe Srodawa
Gallery: 10 of the best 2D artworks
Tutorials: Speed Painting, Space Painting and Using Traditional Media as a Starting Point
Making Ofs: "Keep A Sharp Eye" by Ron Crabb and "RUO" by Yu Cheng Hong
Sketchbook: The sketchbook of WanKok Leong
Article: Studio Interview: Sketch Theatre
Gallery: 10 of the best 2D artworks
Tutorials: Speed Painting, Space Painting and The Human Face
Making Ofs: "The Mantis Queen" by Nick Miles
Sketchbook: The sketchbook of Jorge Molina
Article: Studio Interview: Weta - Dr. Grordbort's
Gallery: 10 of the best 2D artworks
Tutorials: Speed Painting, Space Painting and The Human Face
Making Ofs: "Worm Licker" by Ioan Dumitrescu aka Jonone
Article: Interview: Utherworlds by Philip Straub
Gallery: 10 of the best 2D artworks
Tutorials: Speed Painting, Space Painting and The Human Face
Making Ofs: "Nastya" by Alexander Yazynin
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